Mementos Gallery

Quilts + Genealogy = Family Stories lecture

Quilts + Genealogy = Family Stories lecture

See Scarlett's cherished family quilts, learn about today's genealogy research with an introduction to DNA testing and find out how these two subjects came together for Scarlett with amazing and wonderful surprises! Scarlett has found several ancestors who were quilters, going as far back as the early 1800s.

Bette and Irene, Ellis and Billy Rose

Memories from my Grandmother during the 30s, 40s & 50s lecture

Stories told with vintage 30s/40s family quilts, quilt tops & other mementos from Scarlett's family, including WWII memorabilia. She's also designed several quilt patterns that are her unique interpretations of traditional patchwork of that time. By sharing family pictures, memorabilia and her grandmother's needlework, Scarlett tells the story of her grandmother during the Depression, WWII and Cold War eras.  Scarlett has four family members who are Congressional Gold Medal awardees, two who are Rosie the Riveters and two who are Merchant Marine of WWII. See photo above for these members of the Rose family. Learn about the Rosie the Riveter museum in Richmond, CA.

Scarlett's Vintage Quilt Pattern workshops

Learn how to piece, paperpiece or applique a vintage 1940s era block pattern,. Embellish your block with signatures collected from your classmates! Trade your 30s/40s scraps in the time honored tradition of scrap collecting. One of Scarlett's vintage patterns is Sixty Years of Remembrances - applique & patchwork. Please visit the Sixty Years of Rembrances Gallery for more pictures. Scarlett's other vintage style patterns are Scarlett's Double Wedding Ring - paperpieced and A Garden of Friends - traditional patchwork.

Please scroll down for links to Vintage Quilt pattern books you can buy through Amazon.

Memories from my Grandmother
Sixty Years of Remembrances
1940s Vintage Quilt Pattern Workshops

Wear your bandanna and coveralls, overalls, chambray shirt and jeans to honor Rosie the Riveter! Dress in your favorite 30s/40s outfit.

Scarlett shares stories from her family history, with vintage quilts & mementos from WWII with this inspiring and informative lecture. Please contact Scarlett to schedule her for your group.


Scarlett's lecture & workshop brochure







Sixty Years of Remembrances quilt

Sixty Years of Remembrances quilt pattern

Sixty Years of Remembrances Gallery

Choose from Scarlett's own Celtic & More patterns featuring vintage blocks and quilt designs inspired by traditional patchwork and applique patterns.

Sixty Years of Remembrances Quilt Pattern

Sixty Years of Remembrances Gallery

Scarlett's Double Wedding Ring Quilt Pattern

Scarlett's Double Wedding Ring Gallery

A Garden of Friends Quilt Pattern

A Garden of Friends Gallery

Scarlett's Remember the 40s lecture

Scarlett on the front porch of the McCloud Heritage Museum, giving her Remember the 40s lecture in 2016.

Picture courtesy of Shareen Strauss of McCloud, CA

Left side of front porch of the McCloud Museum

Left side of the front porch of the McCloud Museum. Quilts were draped over railings and benches, where ever a good space could be found.


Scarlett in her booth

Scarlett's table with her Celtic & More patterns. On the right, a photo strip with vintage pictures of Scarlett's family.

Picture courtesy of Shareen Strauss of McCloud, CA

Quilts on clothes hangers

Across the street from the Museum, quilts were hung from clothes drying poles.

Quilts on buildings

Further down the street from the Museum, quilts were hung on the side of this building.

YoYo quilt on a quilt drying pole

Roberta's vintage YoYo quilt, hung on a clothes drying pole.

Sun Country Quilters of Red Bluff and their Opportunity Quilt

The Sun Country Quilters of Red Bluff brought their Opportunity Quilt to the show and sold tickets for it.

Picture courtesy of Shareen Strauss of McCloud, CA

Garden Club Pie Sale

Buy a delicious slice or a whole homemade pie! They sold out fast.

Picture courtesy of Shareen Strauss of McCloud, CA

Patriotic blocks for next year's quilt show.

Blocks turned in for the Patriotic Quilt Block Challenge.

Opportunity Quilt

Another gorgeous Opportunity Quilt!

Picture courtesy of Shareen Strauss of McCloud, CA

Red Bluff demo

Sun Country Quilters of Red Bluff did some demos on how to do machine piecing.

Picture courtesy of Shareen Strauss of McCloud, CA

Scarlett in front of her quilt.

Scarlett wearing her Rosie the Riveter outfit, standing in front of Sixty Years of Remembrances.

Art selling his budget priced fabrics.

Art Thiede with his sale fabric booth.

Picture courtesy of Shareen Strauss of McCloud, CA

Quilter's Sew-Ciety of Redding with their Opportunity Quilt

The Quilter's Sew-Ciety of Redding with their Opportunity Quilt, the Dresden Rose.

Vintage cars on Main Street

Farther up Main Street from the Vintage Quilts, a Vintage Car Show had gorgeous classic cars lining the street.

More Vintage Quilts!

More vintage quilts!

Another Opportunity Quilt

Another Opportunity Quilt! There were 6 of these amazing quilts at this year's show. Each guild brought their own tents to set up their booths.

Remembering the Love by Laurie Short, the McCloud Opportunity Quilt

Remembering the Love

The McCloud 2016 Opportunity Quilt
made from log cabin blocks pieced by Laurie Short and machine quilted by Veronica Nurmi

Want some more info and sources for visiting McCloud? Please visit their excellent Chamber of Commerce site for links to places to stay, where to eat and to find out about other events and places of interest. The nearby communties of Mt. Shasta (11 miles), Dunsmuir (17 miles) and Weed (20 miles) also offer places to stay and eat, plus plenty of places of local interest.

Looking for more vintage quilt patterns? Click on these links and have a look at what Scarlett has found for you!
If you buy a book, or books, through these links, Scarlett will receive a small referral commission on any sales.



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