Celtic Plaid Gallery

The pattern for the Celtic Plaid is available to download as a free PDF file.

The original Celtic Plaid block was used in sample pillows that were made for a workshop Scarlett taught at the Back to School convention for Brother sewing machine dealers held in Memphis, TN on August, 2002. These pillows feature a machine embroidered center square, four colors of fusible bias tape and machine topstitching with matching metallic thread.

Celtic Plaid Pillows

Two samples were made, one for a boy and one for a girl. To show what can be done with this pattern, here are some layouts using this block design. Any design of your choice could be embroidered or appliqued in the 8"(20cm) center square, or even a pieced block design could be used. If you do use this pattern for a project, please email Scarlett a picture of the finished project so it can be posted here.

4 block layout with Celtic embroidery.

Four 16"(40.5cm) blocks set together with a 4"(10cm) border will make a 40"(101.5cm) wallhanging. In this layout, a line of bias tape was placed against the seam of the border where it joins the center panel. Four colors of bias were used in the blocks, with a fifth color on the border. The blocks were pieced with two colors of fabric; one light fabric for the background square and a medium blue print surrounding the square. A dark blue fabric was used for the border. The machine embroidery is from the Large Multicolor Knot Collection 1.

Two color 4 block layout.

In this four block version, one fabric was used for all the bias, with three colors of fabric used in the piecing of the Celtic Plaid block.

Nine block layout of Celtic Plaid Pillows

Nine 16"(40.5cm) blocks set together with a 4"(10cm) border will make a 57"(145cm) wallhanging or throw.

Multicolor layout of nine blocks.

Four colors of the bias tape are used in this nine block layout version, with three colors of fabric for piecing the Celtic Plaid blocks.

16 block layout of Celtic Plaid Pillows.

Sixteen 16"(40.5cm) blocks set together with a 4"(10cm) border will make a 73"(185.5cm) throw.

Two colors of bias and background for 16 block layout.

Here's the same layout with two colors of bias and three fabrics used in the pieced Celtic Plaid block.

30 block layout of Celtic Plaid Pillows.

Thirty 16"(40.5cm) blocks set together with a 4'(10cm) border will make a 89"(226cm) x 105"(267cm) quilt.

Multicolor layout of 30 blocks.

Here's the same 30 block layout with five colors of fabric used in the piecing of the Celtic Plaid blocks.

All these variations are just the beginning. Use hand embroidery designs in the center squares or draw designs with fabric markers. The choices are endless, so just play with the pattern and see what you can come up with on your own!

Don't forget, if you do use this pattern for a project, please email Scarlett a picture of your finished project so it can be posted here.

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