Celtic Quilters' Gallery page 1
Revised October 25, 2023
Scarlett really enjoys seeing the quilts others have made using any of her designs, or quilts of anyone else's Celtic designs. If you've made such a quilt, Scarlett would love to have a photo or digital image of it so that it could be added to this page. Your name would be listed as the maker, so everyone will see who made that wonderful quilt! Please e-mail Scarlett your photos!
Scarlett asks that anyone who does use any of her designs, or parts of her designs, that they give credit for the source of their quilt design. If they used Scarlett's and someone else's together, then all the designers should be mentioned. Anywhere a Celtic quilt is shown, this information should be provided.
All Scarlett's designs are copyrighted, so they are not to used commercially by someone who makes quilts for sale. Scarlett hasn't licensed anyone to do that. If you are interested in using Scarlett's designs on items for sale, please email Scarlett to ask for details about the licensing agreement. If your quilt is to be published in a magazine or book, please let Scarlett know about it. Please contact Scarlett for permission and arrangement details beforehand, if you are thinking of selling the pattern for your quilt containing her designs to a magazine or book publisher.
Please respect other people's hard work in creating Celtic designs and give credit where credit is due.
Please visit Scarlett's Pinterest board, More Celtic Quilts, to see all the Celtic quilts she has found on the Internet!
Please visit the Celtic Wedding Rings Gallery for quilts made from a pieced Celtic Wedding Rings pattern.
This page has 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010 and 2009 blocks, quilts & wallhangings. There are more pages with pictures, so please use the links at the bottom of this page.
Celtic Spring by Virginia McClaran
Virginia made her bed size quilt with the Celtic knotwork border on three sides. Two of the blue ribbons are from the Madera Fair in 2012 and the other big ribbon is the Viewer's Choice award from the 2013 Heart of California Quilters' Guild of Madera, CA quilt show.
The closeup also shows some of the Celtic designs used in the quilting. This quilt design is a variation of a bed size quilt layout published in Scarlett's book Celtic Style Floral Applique.
Scarlett's book is out of print, but can be found through used book sites. Many of Scarlett's Celtic designs can be purchased as
Celtic & More digital patterns.
#celticquilthunt #celticappliquehunt
May 2012 - Jan Meadows won this Celtic quilt made by members of the Miami Valley Quilters Guild of Ohio.
Mary Miller used six blocks and a border design from Scarlett's book, Baskets: Celtic Style, for this quilt.
For the Love of Applique, 95" x 95", was made by the Marigold Appliquers, a Chapter of the Applique Society in Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada. It took over 1 ½ years of their members diligently working on this Group quilt composed entirely of applique of various types. They made their own layout but used patterns from various designers in their quilt. Their label clearly gives credit to all those whose patterns they used. Some of these patterns have been slightly modified to fit their quilt. This quilt won a first ribbon in the Fibre Arts Festival in Pincher Creek Alberta in early summer of 2011 and won an Excellence in Workmanship – Applique at the National Juried Show held in Halifax, NS in June 2012. The NJS is held in conjunction with our National Show, Quilt Canada.
Lorraine Arndt of Oregon added Celtic knotwork to her sampler quilt.
Students made Celtic Block #14 from Scarlett's book Baskets: Celtic Style, in a class taught by Mary Lee Minnis.
Joan Sayre's Celtic quilt
Joan Sayre of Chester, CA, entered this quilt in the Chester Piecemakers Quilt Guild Show, held on August 7 & 8, 2010. She used a design from Michiko Shima's Quick Bias Quilt Book, the sample quilt is shown on page 51. Even though the book is written in Japanese, Joan was able to figure how to do this pattern. She had seen a lecture presented by Scarlett Rose, featuring some of Michiko Shima's quilts and received Michiko's book as a gift from her friend, Carol Bunch.
Here's a closeup of Joan's quilt, which she titled "Celtic Design I" She hand appliqued and hand quilted this quilt.
Scarlett attended the Chester quilt show and tracked Joan down so they could pose for a picture together!
Sharon Ann Waggoner of Springfield, IL finished "Orange Poppies" in 2010. She adapted the border design from Scarlett's quilt "Out of Darkness: Hope" for her 76" square quilt. Scarlett's Celtic border design is in her book Baskets: Celtic Style on page 54. Sharon says "I needled turned the appliqué, and hand dyed the blue border plus two of the arcs that the flying geese are in. Ran out of the blue I was using and could not find any to match. Some of the fabrics that I dyes were the white on whites. They turn out pretty neat. The quilting took abut 1 1/2 years to do. Some areas were hard to decided on what to quilt in them. I drew up all the patterns myself, feathers and 8 spider webs." This quilt was on display at the AQS quilt show in Des Moines, IL on Oct. 6 thru 9th, 2010 and Sharon received 1st place in the large wall hanging hand quilted category!
In January 2010, Kelly Jackson was at a longarm quilt guild meeting in Maumee, OH. She took this picture of Cindy's quilt top, made from the Celtic Wedding Rings pattern.
Kim Olson's very first Celtic project was this pillow. She says "The pillow is probably one of the blocks from Philomena Durcan’s first book, Celtic Quilt Designs. We got it as a kit in class with the pattern already transferred to the fabric, but I remember the instructor showing us Philomena’s first book. It was a great one to learn Celtic with because it has points, curves, loops, and two interlaced pieces. I liked it so much I purchased the stencil from StenSource in the Philomena Durcan Themes Collection so I could do it again."
This picture is a quilt top Kim just finished for her brother. She took a pattern for a 24” wallhanging from Karen Coombs book, Celtic Illusions, and enlarged it to be 72”. With the borders, the quilt top is about 104” square. Kim lives in Alaska.
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